2022 HLWA Boat Parade
Start planning your decorations and theme – the annual Highland Lake Boat Parade returns to the lake on July 23! We will meet at the boat launch area at 7:00 p.m. and continue around the lake. This year will be clockwise and goes along the east side to begin the parade. This year please construct a sign stating how many years you’ve been on the lake, whether you are on a boat or on the shore watching the parade! The boat parade is a longstanding tradition that brings a lot of energy, excitement and togetherness to our community. You can join us just by bringing your boat to the starting point, or perhaps you’d rather sit on your deck/dock and cheer on the boats as they pass by! Decorations and noisemakers are not necessary, but they do add to the fun and excitement. The rain date will be July 24. We look forward to seeing as many folks as possible at the parade!